Our specialists are available on weekdays: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Those interested can self-refer by calling a TTS dedicated line at:
If no answer; please leave a voicemail message.
Tobacco Treatment Specialists (TTS) are individuals trained to help tobacco users with their nicotine addiction. Kentucky has one of the highest rates of smoking and tobacco use in the nation, which is a key reason why Ohio County Healthcare has made tobacco cessation a primary focus in our communities. OCH is committed to improving health outcomes, reducing medical costs, and lowering cancer mortality rates.
Our TTS conduct one-on-one phone consultations to discuss an individual’s history with smoking, vaping, or nicotine pouches, as well as share skills to treat their nicotine dependence. The TTS helps the individual set attainable goals, continues follow-ups to check their progress, and will discuss Nicotine Replacement options with the patient’s provider or pharmacist as needed.
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States, responsible for more than 480,000 deaths annually. Smoking and other tobacco products increase the risk of a wide range of serious health issues, including heart disease, stroke, chronic lung disease, and various cancers. Despite declines in smoking rates, tobacco-related illnesses continue to place a significant burden on public health and healthcare systems.